Friday, 27 July 2012

Developing a new Java Project

When you start up eclipse JAVA Project for the first time, you will create and be shown an empty workspace. In order to start programming, you'll have to make a new projects in java and configure it to your needs.

In the IDE, you always work inside of java projects. In addition to source files, an IDE project contains metadata about what belongs on the classpath, how to build and run the project, and so on. The IDE stores project information in a project folder which includes an Ant build script and properties file that control the build and run settings, and a project.xml file that maps Ant targets to IDE commands.

The IDE contains the following standard project templates for Java and Java Web applications:

    Java Application. Creates a skeleton Java SE project with a main class. See Developing and Deploying General Java Applications for a brief tutorial that uses this template.
    Java Class Library. Creates a skeleton Java class library without a main class. See Developing and Deploying General Java Applications for a brief tutorial that uses this template.
    Java Project with Existing Sources. Creates a Java SE project based on your own Java sources. See Setting Up a Java Project Based on Existing Sources below.
    Web Application. Creates a skeleton web application, including options to add various web frameworks. See Introduction to Developing Web Applications for an example that uses this template.
    Web Application with Existing Sources. Creates a web project based on your own web and Java sources. See Setting Up a Web Project Based on Existing Sources below.

1 comment:

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